Q&A Replays

  • The DSP (Daily Success Plan) – Part 6

    Take a closer look into the Daily Success Plan and how it helps move the needle. Come hear the basic scripts and tools you can use to execute the DSP effectively.

  • Time Blocking The Perfect Day – Part 5

    Effective, not busy is the key to a successful day. In this installment, you will learn how to effectively execute your calendar by time blocking, you will learn how to group similar activities together and how doing so frees up more time in your day. You will also learn how to create balance in your life and not live and die by the ping of your emails.

  • Designed Conversations – Part 4

    Take a deeper dive into scripts and designed conversations. Words paint pictures so you will learn how to identify language you are currently using that is working against your goals and how to replace it with language that moves you closer to your goals.

  • Handing Off Files To The Back End – Part 3

    This month’s LPU class will teach you how to set up your back-end LP for success and keep you out of the MIDDLE by giving them a clean and detailed hand-off. You will learn what it takes to help push your file through every milestone and get it to the closing table on time. And last but never least, you will get the outline of how to execute a solid lock call and walk borrowers through their next clear steps in the process.

  • Pre-Approving Files – Part 2

    In this training you will learn how to prioritize your loan consultation schedule based on file review, review like an UW so your client doesn’t fall out of contract for something we should’ve caught upfront (it has happened to all of us), learn to write detailed notes to your team to ensure you don’t forget the important details. You will also be given the designed conversation to maintain control of your loan consultations.

  • Setting Up Your Day – Part 1

    Join this month’s LPU and learn how setting up your day consistently will save you time and make you and your team more effective. You can’t manage what you don’t measure so you will also get a glimpse into how managing your LT is your holy grail to success. Lastly, learn the script you need to set up your loan consultation successfully on the first call.